I've made A LOT of pancakes over the years, they are my favourite weekend breakfast treat. And since I've been making them vegan I've been playing around with different recipes to try and perfect the fluffiest recipe I can. DING DING DING, I have a winner! A tried and true recipe that I've now made 5 times.
Here I present to you, the winning recipe. Only 7 common household ingredients, which is perfect for those last minute pancake decisions!

*Makes about 8 decently sized pancakes*
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup dairy free milk
2 tbs sugar
1 tbs apple cider vinegar
1 tbs baking powder
½ tsp salt
½ tsp vanilla extract
**Optional** Chocolate Chips!
Add flour, sugar, baking powder and salt to a bowl and combine.
Add milk, apple cider vinegar and vanilla extract to the bowl with the above ingredients and whisk together, do not overmix. *Add chocolate chips now*
Let batter sit for a couple minutes while your greased pan heats to a medium-low temp.
Depending on what size of pancakes you desire, pour batter onto your cooking surface.
You will know when one side is done when the top begins to bubble. It's now time to flip the pancake.
Cook until perfectly browned on each side.
Serve with your favourite fruits and toppings!